16-April-2012,The Ministry of Science and Technology has announced the selections for three consortia projects under the Indo-US Joint Clean Energy Research and Development Center (JCERDC). The JCERDC is being established under an agreement signed between the Governments of India and the United States of America which commits an amount of Rs 125 crore (US 25 million) in funding over five years to institutions in India by the Government of India with equal amount of grants to organisations in the United States by the US Department of Energy for taking up collaborative research in the fields of advanced biofuels, energy efficiency in buildings and solar energy. In addition, Indian and US consortia partners from industry have pledged matching funds for this program. These consortia - led in India by the Indian Institute of Science-Bangalore, Indian Institute of Chemical Technology-Hyderabad and CEPT University-Ahmadabad will bring together experts from national laboratories, universities, and industry in both India and the US to leverage their expertise and resources to unlock the huge potential of clean energy technologies that can reduce energy use and dependence on fossil fuel, and accelerate the deployment of renewable energy sources.The three lead Indian institutions have partnered with three lead US institutions -National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), the University of Florida, and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL). The program would be administered in India by the bilateral Indo-US Science and Technology Forum and in the US by the Department of Energy. The Joint Clean Energy Research and Development Center is part of the US-India Partnership to Advance Clean Energy announced by Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh and President Barack Obama in November 2011, which aims to accelerate the transition to high performing, low emissions, and energy secure economies. As two of the world's largest economies, the United States and India have a special role to play in addressing global energy and environmental sustainability challenges.Details of the three winning consortia can be accessed at: http://www.indousstf.org/JCERDC.html.
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