Of all the alternative, renewable energy sources on the planet, solar energy seems to be the most promising due to the numerous benefits and few disadvantages. Understanding the solar energy advantages better can help homeowners, legislators, and citizens understand the significant positive impact that solar power can have on the environment and the economy. SOLAR ENERGY ADVANTAGES FOR THE ENVIRONMENT Unlike oil, coal and nuclear powered energy, solar energy is non-polluting and clean. There are no greenhouse gases, carbon dioxide emissions, water pollution or air pollution. There are no waste products to dispose of after its use either, unlike oil and nuclear waste that results from their use. SOLAR ENERGY ADVANTAGES FOR THE ECONOMY The dependence on foreign oil has caused fuel and energy prices to soar, causing financial stress to families across the country. Replacing oil and natural gas with solar energy will eliminate the burden on tax payers and families, improving quality of life and help reduce debt. More resourceful families and individuals can create their own free energy with their own solar panels to power their homes, thereby increasing their home values and giving them off-the-grid freedom from blackouts. LITTLE-KNOWN SOLAR ENERGY ADVANTAGES While the most commonly mentioned solar energy facts and advantages have been stated above, there are other little-known benefits to using solar power that make it a superior choice as a renewable, sustainable energy source. * Solar energy uses solar cells and panels that are long-lasting and require little maintenance * Energy from the sun can be collected and save for use later on, like a generator or rechargeable battery * Solar energy powered items are quiet, reducing noise pollution * It's easy to install solar powered appliances and home improvements because you don't have to worry about proper wiring issues, hiring electricians, or digging large trenches to access ground wires. * It can be used in remote locations and rural areas where electrical wiring hasn't been installed. * It can be used to heat water in the home without the use of electricity, even electricity powered by solar energy. Water is directed through outdoor piping exposed to the heat of the sun, warming it for immediate use and reducing the need for a gas or electric powered water heater. * Areas with little sunlight to harness for solar power can import solar energy from areas where sunshine is abundant using existing electric wiring. "USEFUL RESOURCES:" U.S. Department of Energy - http://www.eere.energy.gov/topics/solar.html Innovative Energy Sources - http://energy.gov/science-innovation/energy-sources
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