By RJohnson dt
TOYOTA has started selling a ground-breaking hydrogen fuel cell-powered car which produces no carbon emissions.The firm, which has its UK manufacturing plant at Burnaston, has begun selling the car, known as the Mirai, in Japan.
Demand for the car, which has gone on sale today, has already been higher than Toyota expected.
It is now tripling production at its factory in Aichi, which makes fuel-cell stacks and hydrogen tanks for the Mirai.Hydrogen fuel cell vehicles, or FCVs, are considered to be the most viable eco-friendly solution to reducing the environmental impact of motoring.They emit no harmful emissions, though fossil fuels are used in the production of hydrogen, and to pressurise it.The cars are powered by electricity created by the chemical reaction between hydrogen and oxygen, leaving water vapour as the only exhaust emission.Toyota currently builds the Avensis, Auris and Hybrid Auris at its Burnaston plant. The Hybrid Auris runs on a combination of petrol and electricity.But the firm has given no indication whether or not the Derbyshire factory will one day make hydrogen fuel cell cars.The Mirai, which means "future" in Japanese is set to go on sale in the UK in September next year, as well as Germany and Denmark.The price of the car in Japan is 6.7 million yen (lb36,700) before tax.A price has not yet been set for the UK but some motoring commentators believe the Mirai could cost in the region of lb50,000.Toyota said it aimed to sell 50 to 100 of the cars in Europe in 2015 and 2016.The Mirai can travel 300 miles on a single tank of hydrogen and can be refuelled in under five minutes.There are currently 13 hydrogen refuelling stations in the UK, most of them linked to academic and industrial sites - although the Government is helping to subsidise more refuelling points.Hydrogen may be more expensive than petrol initially, because there are so few customers but, over time, Toyota expects it will be cheaper to run a car on hydrogen.
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