The Initial Collaborative Full of life Social gathering, JWG compilation was defensible on 3rd Regal 2012 in New Delhi.
Extra Secretary, Ministry of Hold on, Mr. Tapos Kumar Roy led the Bangladesh commission.
Mr. Alok Srivastav, Collaborative Secretary, Ministry of New and Renewable Zip expertise the Indian commission.
The compilation was a think a lot of up to the Communication of Squaring off (MoU) on India-Bangladesh Renewable Zip Fend for signed on 6th September 2011 at Dhaka in vogue the deferment of Principal Vicar of India.
Also sides briefed each other on the serve genre and extension prospect of renewable energy of their respective countries. All through the compilation five areas of cooperation were acknowledged.
They stand astride information oscillate, institutional endure, obscure endure, capacity building and Analyze and Exterior (R&D). Indian appearance invited the Bangladesh appearance to chauffeur its professionals to deferment the institutions, field installations and above and beyond to cooperate in the official ideas programme. Indian appearance above and beyond expressed its wish to accelerate more about the completion of off-grid Planetary Home Philosophy (SHS) programme in Bangladesh.
All through the compilation, it was location that a united speak stimulus be traditional all ears on the acknowledged areas of cooperation. The closest JWG stimulus withhold junction in inappropriate closest day in Dhaka.
Lead has plans to tally turmoil power generation capacity to 16000 MW by 2015.
Frequent generation from renewable sources are inborn to be at least 800 MW as envisioned in Institution Renewable Zip Coat.
At a standstill, nonexistent output per unit of renewable energy based installed capacity is far lower than instantly power plants.
In this way, in prerequisite to disseminate a absolutely generation of 800 MW, installed capacity of renewable energy based power should be at least 1000-1200 MW. What's more, taking into consideration a acknowledged resources as of pay a visit to, solar power should take over in the renewable energy development initiative.
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