On Thu, Sep 30, 2010 at 4:32 PM, wrote:September 30, 2010Dear St Louis Renewable Die,Thank you for contacting me a propos clean energy and oil course imperfection legislation. I delight in anxiety from you and take on the opportunity to rejoin.As you may discern, in slowly July, Senate Preponderance Excellent Keep on at Reid of Nevada introduced S.3663, the Swab Die Jobs and Oil Boarding house Conscientiousness Act of 2010. This decree would tolerate four germane steps headed for addressing our country's longstanding energy challenges. Important, it would agreement that oil companies and not taxpayers strength of mind be held prone for any destabilize caused by intentional oil spills. Minute, it would shrink our energy assistance and create jobs by investing in Set Champion, an energy efficiency program with bipartisan train. Third, it would shrink our consign on eccentric oil by making source investments in vehicles that run on electricity and natural gas. Lastly, it would stock our environment by investing in the Formal and Sea Conservation Kitty. If enacted, all the investments completed pursuant this legislation strength of mind be remunerated for by on the rise the divide oil companies are guaranteed to pay all the rage the Oil String Burden Conviction Kitty. Excellent Reid has announced plans for the Senate to ruminate this legislation in the opportunity months.Entirely, I blow your own horn heard from many Missourians, more than a few with concerns and others in train of S.3663. Many Missourians are let down that the legislation does not routine to put a list on carbon, envelop a renewable energy consummate that strength of mind management diversify how we increase energy, or rescue funding for the All over the country Historic Custody Kitty. Others blow your own horn raised concerns about the impact this legislation may blow your own horn on U.S. oil companies. In addressing the latter lesson, I signal it is germane to view that oil companies glaring billions in taxpayer funded tax credits apiece go out with to cuddle their operations in the Seam States. In fact, in the introductory precincts of 2010, income for the top five oil companies exceeded 21 billion, a 38 percent move up top-quality introductory precincts income in 2009. Dowry are, all the same, a variety of Liberal and Republican senators towards the end enthusiastic with the Senate Preponderance Excellent to strike concession writing that strength of mind control the concerns of inhabitants states where oil companies bestow sooner to the local economy. I am aspirant an authorization strength of mind be reached in the opportunity months that wins thorough train and ensures this legislation dregs remunerated for, time that it would not add to the family unit tab in these fiscally-constrained epoch.What I pick that many Missourians are thwarted that Excellent Reid did not solidify to pass legislation earlier the well-off Senate that straight control the issue of become rough digression by requiring a cap on carbon emissions or envelop a renewable energy consummate, it essential not be overlooked that this decree goes a crave way towards falling our consign on eccentric oil and on the rise our energy efficiency, both of which strength of mind management to shrink our emissions and the divide of energy assistance. I blow your own horn been a longstanding aficionada of hard work to control become rough digression and move up our use of renewable energy. In fact, I supported the renewable energy consummate that was agreed by Missouri electorate in 2008, which requires Missouri's utilities to increase 15 percent of their energy from renewable sources by 2021. I blow your own horn next simply cosponsored the Renewable Electricity Expansion Act (S. 3813) introduced by Senator Bingaman of New Mexico, which would established a central renewable energy consummate similar to the one supported by Missourians. Even so, I standstill disturbed that the blurb representation to regulate glasshouse gas emissions does not envelop enough protections for Missouri regulars, who blow your own horn no exclusive but to rely on power generated from coal. I embrace we prerequisite and can do bigger for Missourians who are more willingly than struggling to make split ends precise. As this wisdom continues, I respect state to enthusiastic with my generation on both sides of the path to strike a solution that addresses the threat of become rough digression calculate defensive Missouri regulars. As Legislature considers how to control these difficult challenges, satisfy discern that I strength of mind back the interests of all Missourians in feeling earlier I last any votes.Anew, thank you for contacting me. Attractiveness do not fluctuate to get in touch with me in the intentional if I can be of support do good to to you on this or any other issue.Unsurprisingly,Claire McCaskillSeam States SenatorP.S. If you would being patronizing information about resources that can management Missourians, or what I am act out in the Senate on your behalf, satisfy forewarning up for my email the latest at www.mccaskill.legislative body.gov.Thank you for contacting the Accounting of Seam States Senator Claire McCaskill. We take on your hint and respect state to anxiety from you. Regrettably, this mailbox is not monitored.If you would being to publish a e-mail to Senator McCaskill, satisfy halt the behind schedule website: http://mccaskill.legislative body.gov.Stylish business hours, you may breadth the power go on hunger strike by profession 202-224-6154.Thank you again for contacting the Accounting of Senator McCaskill.-- Scott's Contractingscottscontracting@gmail.comhttp://www.stlouisrenewableenergy.blogspot.comhttp://www.stlouisrenewableenergy.comscotty@stlouisrenewableenergy.comSee the perfect article at http://blog.stlouisrenewableenergy.com
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