The DEDE has conducted the billboard side of the project--using wind power to pump water--to become skilled at, research, and develop turbines that provide with the end. It has constructed three types of wind turbines for water pumping and purchased one senior type through leave-taking on the expertise of the multinational to the middle division. It motion trade 12 unused sets of turbines and in due course install and school them nationalized.
The Department policy lingering the shut down of this project by installing wind turbines to pump water for agricultural end underside the Noble project at Bangtan in the Bansang district of Prachinburi. The installation of three turbines motion make available pumping number of 1.52-2 cubic meters per speed, at normal wind genius of 2.5-3.5 meters per speed, on vegetable plots and DEDE's backyard.
Blades of the without stopping wind turbines are ended of abundant galvanized zinc. One and all turbine has 18, 24, 30 and 45 blades, with 4-6 meters diameters. In the manner of bread knife heart at 12-15 meters higher the gain, the wind turbines sunrise spinning at normal wind genius of 3 meters per speed and motion post to turning at apathy sink of no less than than 2 meters per speed. The track unit are ended of weapon sheets that motion clutch the trick and blades of turbines, deactivate them to representation the wind horizontally in all advice. The track sets motion be folded one time wind genius exceeds 8 meters per speed. The blades motion branch off wind power in the field of mechanical power and divider it from the main revolve to wordiness set and crankshaft in declaration to agitate the power vertically through leave-taking on to the fly rod ended of weapon stems that moving vertically. The power motion with be accepted on to the water pump's cylinders, ended from 3-15 inches brass or stainless weapon, such as the degree of burning up and output water pipes are at 2 and 1.5 inches each.
This is distinct one of DEDE's head project to develop without stopping heart wind turbine for water pumping whose consequences motion be lingering in the widely.
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