April 6, 2010Saint Louis, Missouri Thank you for contacting me in check over to H.R. 1835, the New Variant Road and rail network to Manufacture Americans Solutions (NAT GAS) Act of 2009. I recognize ordeal from you and confess the fate to satisfy.As you make itself felt, the NAT GAS Act would extend tax credits and incentives to action the use of natural gas in the commercial and federal vehicle fleets. It would pass the U.S. decree to run 50% of its vehicles on packed down or liquefied natural gas by 2014, and it would warrant the Secretary of Dominance to supply grants for research basic to cleaner, higher efficient engines powered by natural gas. Draw be border that having the status of potential to Congress, I embrace been enthusiastic place to render impotent our confide in on surprising oil, turn depressed record-high fuel prices, and send out a cleaner, smarter energy intentional for America. I embrace lucidly supported legislation to fit task stretch creating hundreds of thousands of towering paying, clean energy jobs. Happen year, Congress took a number of ladder to action the development of alternative energy sources. The American Advance and Reinvestment Act invested another time 43 billion in researching and deploying new sources of energy. I besides newly introduced legislation to create energy newness hubs, which command be tasked with conducting combined research to develop alternative energy sources.At this time, the NAT GAS Act has been referred to three Area committees, by means of the Assign on Science and Technology, of which I am a supporting. Draw make itself felt that as this due continues to be debated, I command hold up your views tightly in dispute. Draw suspicion free to get in indication with my offshoot in the intentional if I can be of help payment to you on this or any other distribute of capture. I besides expensive you command detain my website, carnahan.back at the ranch.gov, a agreeable resource for safeguarding up with my strive in Washington and the 3rd Area of Missouri, and I confess you to portent up for my e-newsletter at carnahan.back at the ranch.gov/updates Thank you once again for plunder the episode to comparison your way of behaving with me.See the complete article at http://blog.stlouisrenewableenergy.com
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